so happy for today! i escaped to istana plasa in the middle seminar preparation, just for hunting A. Fuadi's signature, Negeri 5 Menara author. i have his novel. well, actually, i and irwan bought it. so, that is our book. :)
oh yeah, i also bought some flanels to add my flanels before. here, i give you the pic that i couldn't show on the last posting.

i don't know when i could made them to be something. i hope it could be another project after finishing my final project! \(^o^)/
i was so happy to do that, eventhough i have to study harder tonite. oh, i've to tell you. tomorrow my dad will go for working again. sad to know it, but it's a must.
good nite, it's time to work! seminar is just some days to gooooooo... --'
i was so happy to do that, eventhough i have to study harder tonite. oh, i've to tell you. tomorrow my dad will go for working again. sad to know it, but it's a must.
good nite, it's time to work! seminar is just some days to gooooooo... --'
katanya mw bikin power point????????