how are you? oh, i really miss posting activity. i had been "mudik" for 10 days, and didn't have internet connectivity during that days. and posting from mobile is no fun at all, i think. :)
oh, i almost forget to say.. happy eid mubarak.. minal aidin wal faidzin.. :)
i wanna share my mudik story, i'm always excited when mudik time comes... but, i also had sad story. it was a disaster especially for my face. i'll tell you later.
day 1, sept 8 2010.
we left bandung on wednesday night by travel. we would go to Purbalingga (my dad's family). unhappily, my dad couldnt come to indonesia. he has much working, his holiday is only few days. it wasn't enough to mudik.
i felt itchiness on my face, and not long after that, my face is hot. very itchi and hot. so, i'm really hate that trip! i must kept that feeling until we arrive and meet the doctor. :(
day 2, sept 9 2010.
oh finally i arrive in my grandpa and grandma's home. they was shocked when saw my face. then, i meet doctor with my mom and my uncle. oke, it was caused by my cream. so, i've changed my cream since 9 days before the accident. it goes well until yesterday, before the trip. i had creepy face, reddish and small bumps. it make me so worry. how my eid will be? it was like a disaster, right? eid with your creepy face! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
the doctor gave me some medicine. alhamdulillah... my face can be recovered! and i wouldnt use that cream anymore. i promise!
day 3, sept 10 2010.
hey yaaaa, this was our lebaran day. happy eid mubarak everyone.
i had wonderful lebaran as usual. gathering with whole family is my favorite, and also getting money from them. hehehehehe..
yehaaa! they are some of my family..
yeah! we posed in front of grandparent's home.
oh, i almost forget to say.. happy eid mubarak.. minal aidin wal faidzin.. :)
i wanna share my mudik story, i'm always excited when mudik time comes... but, i also had sad story. it was a disaster especially for my face. i'll tell you later.
day 1, sept 8 2010.
we left bandung on wednesday night by travel. we would go to Purbalingga (my dad's family). unhappily, my dad couldnt come to indonesia. he has much working, his holiday is only few days. it wasn't enough to mudik.
i felt itchiness on my face, and not long after that, my face is hot. very itchi and hot. so, i'm really hate that trip! i must kept that feeling until we arrive and meet the doctor. :(
day 2, sept 9 2010.
oh finally i arrive in my grandpa and grandma's home. they was shocked when saw my face. then, i meet doctor with my mom and my uncle. oke, it was caused by my cream. so, i've changed my cream since 9 days before the accident. it goes well until yesterday, before the trip. i had creepy face, reddish and small bumps. it make me so worry. how my eid will be? it was like a disaster, right? eid with your creepy face! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
the doctor gave me some medicine. alhamdulillah... my face can be recovered! and i wouldnt use that cream anymore. i promise!
day 3, sept 10 2010.
hey yaaaa, this was our lebaran day. happy eid mubarak everyone.
i had wonderful lebaran as usual. gathering with whole family is my favorite, and also getting money from them. hehehehehe..

oh ya, i also met my ex there. he's my grandparent's neighbor. no much talk with him, just smile and forgiving each other. :D
day 4, sept 11 2010
i, my sister, and my mom went to Magelang. my uncle drove for us! thanks! we would visit my mom's family. it spent 4 hours to reach magelang from purbalingga. we were gonna be 4 days there. and our schedule for today is : family visiting!
day 5, sept 12 2010
2nd day in magelang, we had another family visiting. oh yeah, my mom's parents are pass away. but we have many families there, that's why we often doing family visiting during there.
day 6, sept 13 2010.
which is, 3rd day in magelang. aahh, it was the most tired day.
1st, we went to my uncle's field in the morning..
we can meet field at the city, rarely....
2nd, we joined on my mom's reunion. it was bored, actually..
they are my mom's junior high school friends.
day 4, sept 11 2010
i, my sister, and my mom went to Magelang. my uncle drove for us! thanks! we would visit my mom's family. it spent 4 hours to reach magelang from purbalingga. we were gonna be 4 days there. and our schedule for today is : family visiting!
day 5, sept 12 2010
2nd day in magelang, we had another family visiting. oh yeah, my mom's parents are pass away. but we have many families there, that's why we often doing family visiting during there.
day 6, sept 13 2010.
which is, 3rd day in magelang. aahh, it was the most tired day.
1st, we went to my uncle's field in the morning..

2nd, we joined on my mom's reunion. it was bored, actually..

3rd, we ate at Bakso Soto Pak Yanto, sorry for no pics. i was too starving.
4th, this was the most interesting! we watched Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan Temple at night. (or we call it in Bahasa, Sendra Tari Ramayana). very very superb performance! you should watch it when you are in Yogyakarta..
i'll give you some photos, because i shot many photos there.

me with my sister. actually, we were with my cousins too..
Sinta and Jojo.. eh, Rama...
after their performance, we could take picture with all the dancers.
hai Rama, i'm your big fans! you are handsome... hahahaha..
4th, this was the most interesting! we watched Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan Temple at night. (or we call it in Bahasa, Sendra Tari Ramayana). very very superb performance! you should watch it when you are in Yogyakarta..
i'll give you some photos, because i shot many photos there.

then, after watching, we had late dinner at Waroeng Mie Solo. again and again, sorry for no pics.
day 7, sept 14 2010.
it was our last day in magelang. and it is still fulfill with family visiting. then culinary at Waroeng jadoel. we ate Bebek Goreng Sambel Kosek. oh, i dont know why, i always forgot to take pics while i was eating.. then kita belanja oleh2... then we were back to Purbalingga...
day 8, sept 15 2010
yeah! we were at pubalingga,and doing family visiting (again) whole day. sooo tired!
day 9, sept 16 2010.
i went no where. just stayed at my grandparent's home.. and... got many "Kain Perca", almost 4kg! yippiiieeee... i got them from my uncle and aunty who have taylor... oh, i'm really happy. they have many sacks kain perca.. and i was allowed to choose anyone. lalalalalala... love love love. i got much motif, mostly they are batik motif. love love love.
day 7, sept 14 2010.
it was our last day in magelang. and it is still fulfill with family visiting. then culinary at Waroeng jadoel. we ate Bebek Goreng Sambel Kosek. oh, i dont know why, i always forgot to take pics while i was eating.. then kita belanja oleh2... then we were back to Purbalingga...
day 8, sept 15 2010
yeah! we were at pubalingga,and doing family visiting (again) whole day. sooo tired!
day 9, sept 16 2010.
i went no where. just stayed at my grandparent's home.. and... got many "Kain Perca", almost 4kg! yippiiieeee... i got them from my uncle and aunty who have taylor... oh, i'm really happy. they have many sacks kain perca.. and i was allowed to choose anyone. lalalalalala... love love love. i got much motif, mostly they are batik motif. love love love.

unhappily, i haven't touched them.. i'm quite busy after mudik days.. :(
i'll show you the fabrics later yaa....
day 10, sept 17 2010.
another leyeh2 day.. just stayed at home.. i felt lonely because my cousins have been working...
day 11, sept 18 2010
yeah, left pubalingga and back to bandung!
oke, done! ^^
how was your mudik?
i'll show you the fabrics later yaa....
day 10, sept 17 2010.
another leyeh2 day.. just stayed at home.. i felt lonely because my cousins have been working...
day 11, sept 18 2010
yeah, left pubalingga and back to bandung!
oke, done! ^^
how was your mudik?
waaaa,,,senangnya yg mudik...
ReplyDeletetaun ini lebaran aku gak mudik...
tapi hari minggu besok aku pulang kampung...hehehehe
aduuuw asyiknyaa yg mudik..!
ReplyDeletewoow you even watched wayang too! envy..!!
budHe,bagi fotonya.. :)
ReplyDeleteaiiih,,,kmu baca blog aku smua???
ReplyDeleteya ampyuuuun,,,malu dah...hehehe
makasih ya...
wew,,uda lama juga ya pacarannya,,,smoga bisa cepet lanjut ke jenjang yg lebih tinggi ya...
tapi gmana ceritanya bisa kenal tuh?????
kan beda kuliah,,beda daerah asal pula...hehehe
senangnya mudik...
ReplyDeletekemarin aku baru pulang mudik tgl 19 sep
capek pek pek pek, he he he
dengan 2 balita yg ga bisa diam, 3 tas besar,dan 1 kardus oleh-oleh, jadi kaya rombongan sirkus :D
btw, makasih comment-nya ya mbak